Extended Day

Breakfast Club

Breakfast Club is held in the Junior School Hall and offers activities every morning from

7.45 am until 8.30 am. Entrance is via the Junior School Gate on Chatsworth Ave.

Infant children are then escorted to class by a member of staff.


After School Club

The After School club takes place in the Infant School Monday to Friday from 3.00pm - 4.15 pm.  

In addition phonics and academic booster clubs are run during the year, teachers send letters home about these throughout the year. 

Sports After School Clubs

Coaches run additional clubs. Information regarding these clubs and registering for a place will be sent out at the beginning of each term. Please check the weekly newsletter for current up to date times for after school clubs. 

Clubs we currently provide (check newsletter for regular updates) :

  • Gymnastics
  • Football
  • Dance
  • Art

 Please remember...

  • All fees must be paid via your Parent pay account, we cannot accept cash.
  • If you have forgotten your Parent pay password please speak with Ms Cardinali.
  • Fees are normally paid half termly, in advance and payment is due for the entire term; unfortunately we cannot offer refunds for non-attendance.
  • Please pay promptly as fees go directly to the coach. Delays in payment may result in your child losing their place. 
  • Children should attend every session, for the entire session, unless they are unwell.
  • Please make sure your child has all the clothing or equipment they need for the lesson. Everything should be marked with their name.
  • Children must be collected at the correct time. Persistent lateness could mean your child losing their place.
  • Once available places are allocated we maintain a waiting list, speak with Miss Cardinali in the office regarding this (0208 903 6032).